New Year Vision Q&A Template for Business Owners - Free Download.

Whether you’re a resolution setter or not, there is something about the new year that inspires reflection & vision in us all, and when you own a business, if you want the coming year to involve growth and change, then taking time to reflect, set goals and create an action plan isn’t a nice-to-do activity, it is essential.

Last year I created this simple Q&A to help me and my clients pause to reflect on the previous year, dig a little deep on where we are now, then think about what we want out of the new year and where our businesses could go.

Doing this exercise allows you to lift your head above the day-to-day and evaluate your business from more of a birds-eye-view, which is something we all know we should be doing more of. 😬


Sharing my Vision Q&A with you

So, this morning I printed out my Vision Q&A template and started filling it in (I’m a paper kind of girl!) when it occurred to me that now I can share this not just with my clients, but with everyone!

Disclaimer: It is not a shiny, aesthetically delightful document (which I would so prefer it be!), but it is an easy-to-use, functional document, that you can use right now, that has some great reflective questions for you to dive into.

I’ve also included a PDF version (best for those viewing on mobile, as the word doc layout goes a little funny).

To download it, you just enter your details in the form below for immediate access! I just wanted you to have access to it straight away, so you can start reflecting and re-evaluating today. 🤓



Uncovering Your Purpose (+ Free Workbook 📑)


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