Uncovering Your Purpose (+ Free Workbook 📑)

Immediate Access: Download the Free Workbook ↓

Note: This workbook is currently in our old brand ‘Clare Anne Creative Co’.


Confidence. Clarity. Growth. 3 things we all want in ourselves and our businesses.

The confidence to get out there and take massive action, to be brave. The clarity to know what it is we are striving to achieve, and how to actually do that. And then the growth; our efforts culminating in clear improvement and goal accomplishment.

The dream, right?

 Despite the fact that we all know we need these 3 things to feel successful, fulfilled and accomplished, we often instead find ourselves spinning our wheels in self-doubt, lacking direction and feeling as if we are trying to run in quicksand (recurring nightmare flashbacks!), making no progress.

This leads to an all too familiar and nasty tasting cocktail of feeling overwhelmed, confused and lost. I know this because I have felt this.

I don’t want you to feel this way, so I am going to go right ahead and give you the spoiler that you are hoping for, the answer to this problem that I wish I had been told years ago! One of the biggest game-changers and essential ingredients to feeling confident, having clarity and experiencing growth in your business is this: Purpose.


Er, ok, what do you actually mean by ‘purpose’?

Purpose is essentially your reason for doing what you do, beyond ‘to make money’. There are millions of ways you could make money, so why this? What are you striving to achieve? And how does that meaningfully impact the people you serve?

Defining your purpose is a core element of crafting your brand identity, and involves clarifying these 4 essential elements:

  • Your Why

  • Your Values

  • Your Vision

  • Your Mission

Your purpose underpins everything you & your business do. It is equal parts your anchor and your sails. It grounds and stabilises who you are, outlines where you want to go, how you aim to get there, and why that’s important to you.

Your Purpose is equal parts your anchor and your sails.

Operating without purpose is something that many business owners do (we’ve all been there). It’s so easy to get swept away with the current when running your business, but when that happens we are in reactive mode, unable to consciously choose our direction, select effective strategies and lean into the right opportunities.

Why your brand needs purpose

Before I explain how to uncover your purpose, first I want to share with you my 6 reasons that crafting this critical, foundational element of your brand is so important.

  1. Your purpose is your centre point. It grounds you and acts as the deciding factor in all of your business decisions – Does [this] align with my purpose? That is the question you can ask yourself about literally anything within your business.

  2. Purpose creates connection. I cannot stress the importance of this. As humans we crave connection and belonging, they are instinctive, essential human needs. Everybody is looking for it. We want to feel seen, heard and valued, and we all have a set of values, consciously or unconsciously defined, that we live by. When a person recognises that they align with your purpose and values, that creates the strongest form of connection between you and that person, and that type of connection is what builds trust, love and loyalty, which enriches people’s lives and ultimately enhances business growth.

  3. Purpose creates unity. Warning: I’m going to go potentially controversial here and reference Harry Potter. When people share a purpose, like defeating Voldemort (for example), it creates unbreakable unity, and that unity can drive progress like nothing else can.

  4. Purpose creates direction. Having a defined direction allows you to actually move toward what success is for your business. If you haven’t actually defined what you are trying to achieve and where you are trying to go, then how on earth will you ever get there. IN fact, where even is ‘there’?

  5. Purpose aligns your team (if you have one). If you have staff, even one other person outside of yourself within your business, having a purpose that your people align with means they will always have your business and brand’s best interest at heart, because you are working towards a mutual goal that you care about. 

  6. Purpose is your driving force. It’s what gets you out of bed in the morning. It’s what keeps you going no matter what is happening around you. When things get tough, you’ll keep going because you know why you are trying. When a post on social media doesn’t perform well, you will rationally assess why that happened so you can improve, but won’t be remotely embarrassed or upset by it, because everything you do is in pursuit of your purpose, not to be flattered by vanity metrics.


“Magnify Your Mission – Your mission is the magnet that keeps pulling you along, even through your hardest times.” – Dean Graziosi


How to uncover your purpose

So now you know what your purpose is, why it is so important, and you are probably thinking “Yes, purpose is exactly what I need! But, how do I actually find mine?” Well, this is the part where I tell you how!  

So, for me, your purpose is divided into two sections:

  1. Your personal purpose, which is your deepest ‘why’

  2. Your brand’s purpose (values, mission & vision), which is specific to your business.

I believe these two things are intertwined, especially for startups and small businesses, because you are the driving force behind your brand, and so your purpose and its purpose need to be in total alignment in order for you to feel motivated to pursue it.

So that you can craft the foundational elements of your brand identity that make up your purpose, I have created a totally free workbook for you, which you can download right away and work through to uncover your core purpose and those essential elements of it:

  • Your why

  • Your values

  • Your vision

  • Your mission.

These things are all interlinked with your purpose, and sometimes it’s easier to look at one or all of these first to realise your purpose… it’s just a game of perspective, and being able to step back from what you do and look at it from a different angle.  

For example, if your values involve sustainability, then you might realise that your purpose is around creating your product in a way that benefits/enhances/protects the environment.

Or, you might have a vision of a world where every human has access to food and can cook nutritious meals, and so perhaps your purpose is grounded in teaching people across the world to cook, and donating meals from your profits to end world hunger?

Whatever it is, this workbook will help you uncover yours. ↓

Want more on this type of thing?

Hi, I’m Jade, 👋 author and founder of Claran Studio! If you enjoyed this, then I think you’d really enjoy hanging out with me on Instagram, and I’d love to meet you there! Join me by clicking here, and don’t forget to say hello once you’ve followed me. 🥰

We also offer branding services, including 1-1 consultations and workshops. If that’s something you’re interested in then we’d love to hear from you ↴


Finding Your ‘Why’ - Free Mini Workbook Download 📝


New Year Vision Q&A Template for Business Owners - Free Download.