Brand Deployment Workshops


Did you know? Contrary to popular belief, there is a way to do your marketing that’s enjoyable & effective!

I know, it’s a wild concept, but it’s true!

I have heard from so many small business owners that they “just hate marketing”… and maybe even more so; sales!

There is something about these two words that evoke equal parts terror and overwhelm in us… That something is fear - because let’s be honest, it’s scary putting ourselves out there, right?


The other thing is that even in the marketing world, the meaning of the word and what it entails gets immensely over-complicated.

So as a small business owner, you see acronyms like KPIs and ROAS or read about how you should be running these 20 different marketing strategies, and you are instantly overwhelmed. I don’t blame you.

But the good news is, marketing is actually very simple and can be done in a way that is enjoyable, effective and sustainable for you, so you can get back to doing exactly what it is that you love to do.

If you build it, they won’t come. That’s why you’ve got to market your business.

Dean Graziosi

Your business shouldn’t be your best-kept secret.

It is true that, even if you build the most amazing business, and you’re amazing at what you do, if you don’t market your business, your potential customers won’t know you exist. 😬

And whilst I am sure you love what you do, we all have bills to pay, right? So you can’t just be out here doing it for fun, you gotta earn some coins.

Also, by not sharing your business properly with your audience, you are actually doing them a disservice, because they are missing out on getting to experience what you have to offer!



Say you’re a baker and make the most amazing macaroons in your area, but none of us knows your bakery is there - we miss out on your delicious treats!



Say you are a wedding photographer who takes breath-taking photos that beautifully capture a couple’s magic & romance, but none of us knows you exist - we miss out on you capturing those meaningful moments for us!



You get my point.

By not marketing your business, it’s not just you that misses out, your potential customers miss out too!

And, if you’ve got something important or special to share, but aren’t, the whole world could be missing out on something hugely impactful.

So, you need to what? Market. Your. Business.

Ok, great, so how do I actually do that?

I know the next thing you’re going to say; “I am a SMALL business owner, I don’t have the budget to employ a marketing specialist, or work with an agency.”

Trust me, I know, and that’s where I am here to help. I am currently pouring all my spare minutes into crafting a series of workshops that are designed to equip you to be your own small biz marketing whiz!

Brave Brand Deployment Workshops

My goal for my workshops is to take your overwhelm and fear away and give you the tools and skills to market your beautiful small business in a way that is enjoyable, effective and sustainable.

Want to be the first to know when I launch?

I am going to start test running these in a couple of months, ready for launch in 2022. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date about in-person and online workshops, click the button below!


Don’t worry, great things will be added here soon!